Concepts in sc2reader ======================= Some of the important concepts in sc2reader in no particular order. Factories -------------- All resources are loaded through a factory. There are four kinds: * :class:`~sc2reader.factories.SC2Factory` - Basic factory. Loads resources. * :class:`~sc2reader.factories.DictCachedSC2Factory` - Caches remote resources in memory. When loading remote resources, the dict cache is checked first. * :class:`~sc2reader.factories.FileCachedSC2Factory` - Caches remote resources on the file system. When loading remote resources, the file system is checked first. * :class:`~sc2reader.factories.DoubleCachedSC2Factory` - Caches remote resource in memory and on the file system. A default factory is automatically configured and attached to the ``sc2reader`` module when the library is imported. Calling any factory method on the sc2reader module will use this default factory:: sc2reader.configure(debug=True) replay = sc2reader.load_replay('my_replay.SC2Replay') The default factory can be configured with the following environment variables: * SC2READER_CACHE_DIR - Enables caching to file at the specified directory. * SC2READER_CACHE_MAX_SIZE - Enables memory caching of resources with a maximum number of entries; not based on memory imprint! Resources ---------------- A Starcraft II resource is any Starcraft II game file. This primarily refers to :class:`~sc2reader.resources.Replay` and :class:`~sc2reader.resources.Map` resources but also includes less common resources such as :class:`~sc2reader.resources.GameSummary`, :class:`~sc2reader.resources.Localization`, and SC2Mods. Player vs User ----------------- All entities in a replay fall into one of two overlapping buckets: * User: A human entity, only users have game and message events. * Player: A entity that actively plays in the game, only players have tracker events. As such the following statements are true: * A Participant is a Player **and** a User * An Observer is a User **and not** a Player * An Computer is a Player **and not** a User Game vs Real ---------------- Many attributes in sc2reader are prefixed with ``game_`` and ``real_``. Game refers to the value encoded in the replay. Real refers to the real life value, as best as we can tell. For instance, ``game_type`` might be 2v2 but by looking at the teams we know that ``real_type`` is 1v1. GameEngine ---------------- The game engine is used to process replay events and augument the replay with new statistics and game state. It implements a plugin system that allows developers to inject their own logic into the game loop. It also allows plugins to ``yield`` new events to the event stream. This allows for basic message passing between plugins. A default engine is automatically configured and attached to the ``sc2reader.engine`` module when the library is imported. Calling any game engine method on the engine module will use this default factory:: sc2reader.engine.register_plugin(MyPlugin()) Datapack ----------------- A datapack is a collection of :class:`` and :class:`` classes that represent the game meta data for a given replay. Because this information is not stored in a replay, sc2reader ships with a datapack for standard ladder games from each Starcraft patch. For non-standard maps, this datapack will be both wrong and incomplete and the Unit/Ability data should not be trusted. If you want to add a datapack for your map, see the article on :doc:`addingnewdatapacks`.